Supra Tk Society Black Green, So you have green poop, and you\'re worried that there may be a problem. You probably even feel embarrassed to look this up and read this article. Before you go any further, you should feel comfortable. While we don\'t typically discuss these matters in the open, they are perfectly natural, so you should not feel embarrassed. If you or someone you care about is having problems Supra Tk Society Black Green with constant green poop, they are probably alright. However, there are a few instances in which green poop is an early indicator that something is wrong.
Many times, people find their green poop after they eat a large quantity of green leafy vegetables. Our bodies do not process these foods as well as they should, and sometimes the dies and chlorophyll that makes the green leafy vegetables green comes out without complete digestion. This makes the feces green. It really is as simple as that.
So your first step should be to go back and check out any recent changes in your diet. Only if you have recently eaten more green vegetables should you attribute Supra Tk Society Black Green the recently Supra Tk Society Black Green greened poop to it. If you always eat a large quantity, you should not be seeing a sudden change. Your body, at that point, will have accustomed itself to it and you should have a normal coloration to your poop.
Another common cause is a large amount of iron in your system. Unfortunately there is no easy way to tell if you have a high iron level in your blood, except by visiting a doctor. Do not be alarmed, however, as a large iron concentration does not have a major effect on your general health nor does it heed any cause for alarm. Your body typically will flush itself out in a matter of a few days.
Finally, a stool that is a greenish color, but is accompanied by a painful or bloated feeling, or a large weight gain, constipation, or something that you would generally describe as digestive problems, you may have a colon that is so full of toxins it is not able to fully process the waste that comes through it. This is a cause in which you should attempt to remedy by undergoing a colon detox, more commonly called a colon cleansing.
There is an estimated five to twenty five pounds of unprocessed waste and toxins in the average person\'s body. This, sometimes, makes for a colon that doesn\'t function properly, and could lead to green or black poop.
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